get to know a bit about us and why we do what we do

About Us

We continue to be amazed by God’s grace and Holy Spirit’s movement in marriages.

We went to the same high school and went to matric farewell as “blind dates”. We got married as 21 year olds knowing nothing about life, marriage or ourselves, but highly in love. We have 3 daughters (doctor, business woman and lawyer), 3 sons-in-law and 6 grandchildren.

Our spiritual journey started in the Dutch Reformed Church (NG). In our early 30’s we moved to the AFM and are now at Crowded House Church (Part of Four 12 Global churches) in Bryanston.

We started our marriage enrichment ministry in 2011 following Francois’ dream and a request from our pastor at the time, to design a program for married couples.

Since then, we have facilitated three to four marriage enrichment weekends every year. We continue to be amazed by God’s grace and Holy Spirit’s movement in marriages.

We are so aware that we are just “vessels” and strive through obedience and humility to be the best “vessels” that God wants us to be.

We know we rely on Him as He guides the program and changes hearts


René Barnard

Get to know René

I grew up in Randburg with loving parents who had a “christian awareness” but did not apply many biblical principles in our house. They were married for 32 years when my mother passed away at the age of 52 and 4 years later my father passed away at 70 years old. I accepted God as my saviour on a church camp when I was 14 years old. I started my working career as a maths teacher and entered the business world 4 years later, gaining experience and skills in marketing; remuneration surveys; management and director of a company. In 2003 I qualified as an executive coach and have been coaching in my own business since then. By the Grace of God I am His blessed child; wife; mother; daughter; sister; friend; colleague and grandmother.

Francois Barnard

Get to know Francois

I was raised in a family that deeply respected and loved God. My parents set an exemplary example of a marriage. I studied in accounting and strategic management. Almost all my life has been spent in a sales related role. For the past 21 years I have been selling, training and facilitating sales and leadership programs.