Marriage Enrichment

To help married couples become closer in marriage, based on Biblical principles.
Upcoming weekends

1 -3 March 2024

24-26 May 2024

21 – 23 June 2024

23-25 August 2024

25-27 October 2024

LaWiida Lodge & Conference Centre

See detailed weekend information

Our dream and Vision

The Dream

I believe God gave me a dream. I dreamt that I died. An angel came to fetch me. As we got into a lift with other people, the lift traveled upwards at great speed. Then the angel pressed a button and the lift stopped. The angel then said to me, “Get out, you should not be in this lift”. As the angel lead me out of the lift, I was ice cold with fear as I thought that I had to get in a lift going down. The angel lead me into a cinema where there were a few couples spread throughout the cinema. I followed the angel to one couple. We were standing behind the couple. The angel took his hands and gently pushed the couple’s heads closer to each other until they touched. Then he went to the next couple and did the same. The angel then said to me: “Go and do the same, your job on earth is not finished”. (Go and get couples who are together closer to each other).

The Vision

To help married couples become closer in marriage, based on Biblical principles.

from experience


An EYE-OPENER to realise how important marriage is in God’s eyes and that He designed it in such a way to protect us but also to bring us closer to Him and to each other – all in His divine design for marriage
This weekend was the beginning of a new chapter in our marriage. We were given tools to fill our marriage basket.
This weekend was a long overdue “WAKE UP CALL”. Holy Spirit convicted me of a few things which I neglected as my husband’s partner and which we were given the tools and the opportunity to amend. How amazing is the God that we serve!
I did not know what to expect from this weekend, but I am just blown away! The presence of Holy Spirit was so evident and the connection I got to have not only with my husband but myself and the Lord was just so powerful. I am leaving “full and blessed”
This weekend allowed us to reconnect, rest, spend time together focusing on us and what God is saying to us as a couple. We are walking away with pearls of wisdom from a couple who have been down the road of marriage
It helped me rekindle my love with the Lord and my wife and I realized that we had all the issues because I shifted from my position as a husband.


Making Memories